Tuesday, August 02, 2005

As Promised...

As promised I am going to fill you in on some of the highs and lows of my 2005 MIFF experience thus far...

Ah screw it. I'll do it tomorrow. I'm too tired.

The dark rings under my eyes are hanging to an all time low and sinking to an all time depth.

At least I've still got great tits.

Has anyone got a job for me? I'm really over labouring. I don't care how good I look in plaits with an electric drill in my hands straddling all things under construction - my back hurts. Please? Preferably an acting job.


*looks in mirror*


*goes to bed, lonely and broken and ma-*


Blogger la nadine said...

i gots an opening here for my personal assistant.

the pay is lousy (i.e. non-existent) but the sexual favours and home cooked meals more than make up for it.

and if you need to act, you can put on plays for me on my verandah.

9:25 AM, August 02, 2005  
Blogger Roguemaze Central said...

i will take care of you.

9:55 AM, August 02, 2005  
Blogger Darcy said...

OK guys, I'm there.

11:21 AM, August 02, 2005  
Blogger la nadine said...


don't fuck with me, woman.

11:24 AM, August 02, 2005  
Blogger Darcy said...

Hey kid a, write a blog some day. I'd love to read it.

10:12 PM, August 03, 2005  

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