Saturday, July 23, 2005


I love the Melbourne International Film Festival. It is such an awesome time of year. Not long after comes the Melbourne International Arts Festival and spring and then all manner of fucking festivals...

But MIFF is one of the highlights of my year. (Mind you it will be hard to surpass Bloc Party).

And this year I even got a new fangled sexy little official looking and brightly coloured plastic, swipable, mini pass card!!!!!! All the films I book are automatically loaded on the "system" and I effectively have a film bank account so I just rock up and swipe and I'm in! So cool! Makes me feel so special and so wee-in-the-pants excited. Plus no more anxious queuing at the Forum.

So I saw my first film today, an Argentinean documentary called Oscar about a taxi driver who, offended by advertising, frequently stops to paint over or add collage images to billboards. He is brilliant!!!!! It also showed the extreme depravity that he and his family live in, as do many Argentineans, in a country that seems to be politically unstable and really quite poor and desperate. The doco was superb. It totally reinvigorated me. I have become a lazy activist. I have felt too powerless lately to do anything other than march, write letters to pollies and newspapers etc and generally keep trying to live my end of the bargain by treading as lightly on this earth as possible and voting with my dollars. I will no longer leave the house without a texta or a can of spray paint. I wish I was as brilliant as him though. In case you hadn't noticed I tend to state the obvious: just blurt out the first thing that comes into my head.

But Lordy, I digress...

I sat down in the festival club with all it's atmospheric, dim lamps and listened to Paul Harris from RRR's Film Buff's Forecast interview Tony Krawitz (director of Australian 50 minute film Jew Boy) and David Stratton and that warm rush of memory came over me from previous years: queuing around the corner to get into popular films, layers and scarves to brace me from the cold in between films, getting a sore back in the third film in a day, Stellas at the club...yum! So much stimulation.

I'm sorry if I bore you. This blog may well turn into a MIFF film review site for the next two weeks but I'll keep it brief.

Favourite thing today: MIFF you idiots!


Blogger Roguemaze Central said...

Miff up young lady. Me and my poofy scarf will be down there on saturday.

11:09 PM, July 23, 2005  
Blogger Darcy said...

Can't wait!

2:02 AM, July 24, 2005  
Blogger LadyCracker said...

Have you seen Mysterious Skin yet?
I saw it last night and still trying to process.

Pretty amazing stuff.

10:49 AM, July 29, 2005  
Blogger mj said...

Oh poop, I missed Saturdays screening... I'm going to see Mr Maze's filum on Monday (will he be there?)

12:13 AM, August 01, 2005  
Blogger Darcy said...

Shit, I oughta check old comments more often. No, sadly, Roguey was there last night and so was I. I'm still paying for it.

It is a truly stunning film.

And no, ladycracker, I haven't but I believe it's getting general release so I'll see it then.

12:34 AM, August 01, 2005  

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