Wednesday, November 09, 2005

If Beer is Currency, How Many is a Life Worth? - Love Blog Number 4

Another thing I love about Australia is that it is probably one of the only countries in the world where you can take a station wagon full of green waste to the tip, be let in after hours by someone who doesn't work there, take another load in the next morning and have the staff joyfully accept a six pack of beer for the lot of it, instead of the cash I owed them.

I am, however a little distressed today and need advice.

Picked up the cat from the hospital today and swapped it for the dog. My dog needs to get a heinous lump (prob benign tumor) removed from his head. The vet suggested that although they have surgeons at the Lort Smith who are qualified to do it, I might be better off taking him to see a specialist as the procedure would be safer and the outcome possibly better, although she could not tell me in which ways.

The consultation with the specialist alone would cost $95 and the surgery over $1000! I took him to the Lort Smith in the first place, on advice from my vet, in order to save money as I am


b.) haven't anything left from my last job and

c.)will be resuming work as a green grocer next week - a job from which I don't plan to make my millions.

She was worried that it may not look great when it was finished. I said I didn't care what it looked like, and nor does the dog, but I didn't want to compromise my dog's health or make the wrong decision based on money. Anyway, after some discussion I decided to leave the dog there to have surgery tomorrow.

It will still cost between $450 and $575. (The cat just set me back $384.20). I broke down in tears in front of the receptionist when she asked me how much I could pay today. I actually sat there and wept and didn't know how to answer her. I just passed her my credit card. How pathetic.

So what I'm wondering folks is:

a.) are there any surgeons out there who will operate on my dog for a six pack?

b.)am I a bad parent?

c.)does anyone want to adopt a beautiful 15yr old cat or dog?

d.)does anyone have a high paid job for me?

Thanks for listening.


Blogger Melba said...

oh darcy i feel for you. it will be ok. why don't you call around a couple of vets? you might find one who is happy to do it cheaper or free, if they really love animals, they should be more merciful. i can't believe how much things can cost.

2:35 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Roguemaze Central said...

Just like dentists - there are also university campus' that specialise in Vet shit. Call them up and get them in. The operations are done by pro's but it is done so that final year students can participate and learn.

I fucking hate this word verification thing.

Ps- No need to cry. I'm here.

3:37 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Roguemaze Central said...

Ps - It is free.

I fucking hate this word verification thing.

3:38 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Darcy said...

I wish I'd know that earlier.

At least I can stop putting off the dentist. Noice one.

9:48 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Fluffy said...

I hope you're not going to the vet on scotchmer st in nth fitzroy. they over service and charge like crazy. there's a nice old guy on brunswick rd somewhere i hear.

9:56 AM, November 10, 2005  
Blogger Darcy said...

I did fluffy!!! But they sent me to Lort Smith to save money. I went to the one on Brunswick St when I first moved over here and didn't like the feel in there. Old, stuffy, out of date.


*drinks more beer*

11:08 AM, November 10, 2005  
Blogger Roguemaze Central said...


I'd go dog school before ripping dogs throats out.

That's just me.

I fucking hate this word verification thing.

5:53 PM, November 10, 2005  
Blogger Darcy said...

Try Bark Busters.

I'm serious, they train you and your dog so no more barky barky.

7:41 PM, November 10, 2005  
Blogger Melba said...

the gigi is here chewing on a bunch of sticks she has dragged up from the bottom of the garden. no fairies there, just sticks. her paws are slick with mud, lawn knows where she has been digging.

tomorrow we move out.

it's after 10.30.

i'm stuffed, but i have one last question.

roguemaze. do you have that phrase saved somewhere or do you type it out each time? just curious.

and one last thing to say. darcy, i hope it works out with the family. they are family, aren't they? rm's idea is good too.

10:39 PM, November 10, 2005  
Blogger Darcy said...

How's this one roguey: fffflbl - what a head fuck.

Thanks everyone...keep you posted.

Cat's home with bandaged leg - so cute. Dog has op today.

9:50 AM, November 11, 2005  
Blogger Roguemaze Central said...

Good luck to the kids Darce. My thoughts are with them.

MG- I type it every time.

I fucking hate this word verification thing.

12:11 PM, November 11, 2005  
Blogger GS said...

oh i have been there check out this sad tail. After that I reaquainted myself with lort smith, who on enquiring as to the cost of a length of bandage said "what?".

We could sell all our critters for medical experiments, but we don't because they enhance our lives.

(fluffy, heard the same good things about that vet)

8:25 PM, November 11, 2005  

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