Saturday, October 29, 2005

Hey, Not Even my Computer Wants to be PC

I was very PC for many years. Such a good, open minded, understanding individual.

Over it.

You might have noticed. I bored myself. I'd like to think that I still see all sides of the coin and seek to understand everyone for who they are, why they are etc. but to be honest I have found room for a healthy bit of disliking here and there these days; a bit o' judgment. Love the odd put down.

I'd be a tough Prime Minister. I have already decided the hard line I'd take on policy making for the better good of all. The pink polo would obviously be made illegal, umbrella use would be heavily policed, if not banned, bad, loud phone rings and their subsequent loud public conversations outlawed, girls would have to wear more than a singlet in the cold, there'd be no more horse racing carnivals; the public thus spared from drunken, sun burnt, smoking bitches in feathers with strappy heels in their hands and men in suits and mirrored service station sunnies polluting our streets, all fast food chains closed and reality TV wiped from our screens for ever.

Vote for me!

Anyway, after all of that, I have decided to take off my bitchy pants for a few days and blog with love. Gotta keep myself in check.

Kisses to all!


Blogger sublime-ation said...

With those policies, I'd definitely vote for you. You have the best policies I've heard so far, especially the one about the no racing carnivals.

2:27 PM, October 31, 2005  
Blogger Roguemaze Central said...

How would I get laid without pissed sunburnt strappy bitches around?

How would I survive without girls in white singlets?

Who would I laugh at without pink polo poofs?

Vote me.

The leader of the opposition.

2:57 PM, October 31, 2005  
Blogger sublime-ation said...

Yeah but what's in it for us?

(apart from laughing at the pink polo shirts, which is fast becoming a psuedonym for a particular kind of person. Perhaps we should start a blog called 'Pink Polo Shirts (with the collar turned up)'?)

4:25 PM, October 31, 2005  
Blogger Roguemaze Central said...

Confessions of a pink polo collared mind.

8:12 PM, October 31, 2005  
Blogger sublime-ation said...

I loves it.
Makes my Ralph wanna do my Lauren, my Hugo thinks he's the Boss, my tsu turn bi.

8:21 PM, October 31, 2005  
Blogger Darcy said...

Why vote for you when I can vote for Howard roguey?

And thanks for rolling with the ideas folks but if wanted to hear the confessions of the pink polo collared mind, I'd turn on Idol...or rock up at the races tomorrow. Better, the pub afterwards.

No I think I'll take option b.) suicide.

8:41 PM, October 31, 2005  
Blogger sublime-ation said...

How about The Nuking of the Pink Polo Collared*?
Don't take option b), D, we need you!

* last time I ever mention this 'fashion travesty", promise.

8:58 PM, October 31, 2005  
Blogger Darcy said...

OK deal. I'm going to my happy place.

9:20 PM, October 31, 2005  

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