Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Do you have to be fucking crazy to be a genius?

I can't think of any brilliant actors, musicians, painters, sculpters, chefs, masseurs, bank clerks (scrap that one) who aren't/haven't been a drug addict, alchy, freak or just plain eccentric or hasn't at least had a serious nervous break down.

I think this is my problem. I truly believe that this is why I'm just mediocre (which is my worst nightmare - I despise mediocrity) and not incredible. I just can't crack the brilliant gate open. So I just sit here and kind of suck.

So, I think I need a crutch. Or a few problems.

I thought I'd start with smoking. I dunno if I'm brave enough to go down the smack street so maybe I'll start drinking more, like for breakfast and stuff and perhaps start taking other more filthy drugs like speed or crystal meth cause I can't afford coke. Or just go out into the desert and take stacks of acid. That oughta do it. Not too pricey either. But I'd surely lose it and could come back all intense and interesting and incredibly employable.

I say good bye to moderation. I want to be edgy and dangerous. I want to behave badly in public and get away with it. I want people to worry about me. But, more importantly, I just want to be brilliant. I want people to watch me and lose their breath and cry and shit. I don't want to be doubted. I don't want to be one of those cheesey fucking Secret Life of Us type actors.

I want to be a genius.

See yous cunts on the other side. x


Blogger Darcy said...

Gotta a coupla Ks you could spare?

9:33 PM, June 14, 2005  
Blogger roguemaze said...

I'm going to be nice here. You are far from mediocre. I have seen you in action and you are closer to genius than kick gurry.
You got the goods lady. Smart, attractive, talented - In fact the only reasons I am not married to you is because - A) You have a bloke
B) You are not yet advanced enough to BELIEVE that you ARE in fact nearly genius.

The fact that you are not totally fucked up is a reason you are a cut above the rest of the wallowing self indulgent freaks who think they are better than they are - THEY mu pretty lady are the mediocre ones, YOU are unique. I think you're tops. Enough now.

*Thinks he may have said to much*

*thinks maybe he should have proposed*

*Kicks himself for missing the perfect opportunity*

12:54 PM, June 15, 2005  

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